Posted May 12, 2018
One Saturday in February, dozens of kids from all over the region auditioned for the roles of Sarah and Jethro Summers in this season’s THE HEART OF ROBIN HOOD, bringing an energy and youthful creativity we don’t often get to feature at the Theater Tent.
“We decided to cast two actors for each part so that we could schedule around family commitments and vacations,” HVSF Artistic Director Davis McCallum shared. “The show must, as they say, go on.”
Ultimately, four local talents emerged to play the young siblings: Samuel Bates (Philipstown, age 12) and Adam Cabo (Beacon/Bronx, age 13) as Jethro, and Phoebe Bokhour (Cold Spring, age 9) and Talia Hird (Philipstown, age 9) as Sarah.