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A Note from Davis & Katie

Dear Friends,

We know you’ve received dozens of messages from other organizations, each responding to the global health crisis that we’re all facing. At HVSF, we are doing exactly what you’d expect: directing our staff to work remotely, suspending our spring tour of Much Ado About Nothing until it is safe to return to schools, and washing our hands vigorously at every opportunity.

The theater is perhaps the most social of all the arts, and — even as we all rigorously practice social distancing for the time to come — we look forward to the moment when we can again engage in the necessary and healing act of gathering together. To be honest, as theater people, we do more than look forward to it. We long for it. And we have faith that, by the time summer arrives, a night of communion under an open-air tent will be a welcome balm to us all, and a “consummation devoutly to be wished.”

At this time, we are not anticipating any delay or interruption to our summer season, which is scheduled to begin performances on June 10. Ensuring the health and safety of our entire community will, of course, remain our highest priority, and we will be monitoring the situation closely in coming days and weeks.

At this uncertain moment, many of our patrons are taking a similar wait-and-see approach to their summer plans. We want to assure you that, in the event that we cancel or postpone a performance due to COVID-19, we will move you to any remaining performances, or offer a full refund. In addition, our exchange policy means that you can easily switch your dates, should your plans change for any reason.

Now more than ever, we are grateful for the HVSF community as we navigate these challenging times together. Please take good care of yourselves and each other. In the meantime, we will be thinking of you, and longing for summer.


Davis & Katie

2020 Season At A Glance…

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